April issue reader poll
New biomarkers for ovarian cancer: OVA1 and ROMA in diagnosis
Most relevant: 25%
Somewhat relevant: 75%
Least relevant: 0%
Anal epithelial neoplasia and anal cancer: Who should be screened?
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 25%
Least relevant: 25%
Clinician to Clinician-It takes a big man to admit he’s wrong
Most relevant: 75%
Somewhat relevant: 0%
Least relevant: 25%
SMFM CONSULT: Advanced maternal age and the risk of antepartum stillbirth
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Editorial: Peeling the onion on the link between BRCA1, BRCA2, and ovarian cancer risk and prognosis
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant:0%
Clinical Insights: Pregnancy associated with increased MI risk, severity
Most relevant: 25%
Somewhat relevant: 75%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Women’s heart disease often undetected, untreated
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Weight gain by 24 weeks may predict GDM risk
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: SGA/Preterm first babies raise later stillbirth risk
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Heavy perimenopausal flow may not require intervention
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Laparoscopic hysterectomy may be better with the robot
Most relevant: 25%
Somewhat relevant: 75%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Teen pregnancy associated with future osteoporosis
Most relevant: 25%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 25%
Clinical Insights: Aerobic exercise may relieve menopause symptoms
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Clinical Insights: Moderate drinkers have lower risk of strokes
Most relevant: 75%
Somewhat relevant: 25%
Least relevant: 0%
Legally Speaking: He said, she said: Consent for postpartum sterilization contested
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 0%
Least relevant: 50%
Clinical Trial Watch
Most relevant: 50%
Somewhat relevant: 50%
Least relevant: 0%
Most relevant: 0%
Somewhat relevant: 75%
Least relevant: 50%