An EMR program can streamline-or complicate-ob/gyn practice. Answering several critical questions before you choose a system can go a long way to ensuring a successful outcome.
How deep learning transforms bladder neck motion analysis in SUI
A new study demonstrates the efficacy of a deep learning-based transperineal ultrasound system for evaluating bladder neck motion in women with stress urinary incontinence.
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Pap Talk S4E15: MIRA surgical system for hysterectomy with Jean Dubuisson, MD, PhD
In this episode of Pap Talk, Jean Dubuisson, MD, PhD, discusses the first successful hysterectomy performed using the MIRA surgical system.
Hormone therapy not found to increase brain cancer risk
A large-scale study confirms that hormone therapy does not increase the risk of glioma, offering reassurance to postmenopausal women considering treatment.
How Individually Identifying More HPV Types Enables Better Patient Management and More Precise Care
High reintervention rates observed after surgical myomectomy
A recent study highlights that leiomyoma recurrence and reintervention are common, with laparoscopic and abdominal myomectomy showing similar risks.
Diagnostic algorithm improves detection of uterine malignancies
A novel ultrasound-based diagnostic algorithm with 98.1% sensitivity enables accurate stratification of patients with mesenchymal uterine malignancies, paving the way for personalized care.