OBGYN.net Deutsch Editor, Leonhard Loimer, MD with Professor Norbert Pateisky, Chairman of the Austria Society of Gynecology & Obstetrics
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Dr. Leonard Loimer: “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Leonard Loimer and I’m from Austria. I want to introduce you to Professor Norbert Pateisky.”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “Hello.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “He is the Chairman of the Austria Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Professor Pateisky, what is your opinion about this FIGO Conference?”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “It’s a very huge conference and it takes some time to get used to it, to know where all the things are and so on but it’s a wonderful opportunity to speak with different people from different countries. I enjoyed it very much and, yes, it’s also a good time for recreation and to think over some things that you do not have the time for at home.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “Did you already find something new at this conference?”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “I haven’t really found new things because it’s the first day that I’m here but I try to get an overview and from point to point they’re very interesting aspects that we’ll discuss during this week.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “You are a Certified Quality Manager in Austria, what is the meaning of this regarding obstetrics?”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “First, I have to say it’s a hobby of mine and if it wasn’t a hobby, I think I would have stopped it because the acceptance is not as good as it should be. At the moment, there are great changes going on in medicine especially due to new things like the Internet, e-mail, guidelines, and all these things. If you’d like to really make changes in your own profession like obstetrics, you need to do the quality management work and you need to start with quality assurance. This is a point where we work a lot in at the moment because it’s very, very hard to get all people trained, and what quality assurance means. On the other hand, it’s hard to collect the data you need to work with. I think to work on the data is a very important point for the near future.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “Do you think the Internet could help you with working on the data?”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “In any case, what the Internet can do is that you can distribute important information and very quickly so that every gynecologist of the world or Austria - it doesn’t matter because there is no distance - every gynecologist can have the newest information that is possible to have.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “Thank you for the interview. I just wanted to know what is your plans for the future and in the near future with quality management in Austria?”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “I think maybe the most important step is to get well list databases and to get all the doctors to fill these databases to have the data with which we can work with in the future.”
Dr. Leonard Loimer: “Thank you very much.”
Dr. Norbert Pateisky: “Thank you.”
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