Special Interest Group on Endometriosis


OBGYN.net Conference CoverageFrom the ESHRE 2001 Conference - Lausanne, Switzerland

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Lone Hummelshoj: “I’m Lone Hummelshoj from the Endometriosis Association, and I’m delighted to be here at the 17th Annual meeting of ESHRE that’s being held this year in Lausanne, Switzerland. This afternoon I’m with Agneta Bergqvist from Sweden who is one of the endometriosis specialists that works very closely with the Endometriosis Association. She’s also the Vice-Chairman of the Endometriosis Special Interest Group at ESHRE and is a Board Member of the World Endometriosis Society. Agneta, what prompted the start of a special interest group on endometriosis as part of ESHRE?”

Agneta Bergqvist: “I think we felt a need to meet people with a special interest in endometriosis to discuss research programs, clinical treatment, and guidelines for clinical treatment for patients with endometriosis. I think that was the most important aim of the group to create that kind of network.”

Lone Hummelshoj: Yesterday we had the second meeting of the Special Interest Group, the second Pre-Congress Workshop. What would you say were the highlights of yesterday’s meeting on endometriosis?”

Agneta Bergqvist: “I think the group is developing. We plan for several workshops and one Pre-Congress course before each ESHRE Congress every year to update our colleagues in endometriosis - both endometriosis research and the clinical work. We also have our website that we plan to develop more and we plan to create a database on ongoing clinical trials so people can see what’s going on and not to do repeat studies that are going on or that has been done but not published.”

Lone Hummelshoj: “Of course, in developing a database like that of clinical research, patient organizations are able to assist clinicians with recruitment as well so that we might be able to work closer with each other if we actually all know what’s going on. Agneta, what would you say would be the priorities for the next couple of years for those who are involved in treating women with endometriosis?”

Agneta Bergqvist: “I think we have to widen our perspectives and look at other ways of treatment of endometriosis as we now realize endometriosis is not just an endocrinological problem and not only a surgical problem but also an immunological problem. I think we have to look for other ways of treatment of endometriosis as a chronic inflammatory disease, and I’m sure that we also have to involve other specialists in physiotherapy and nutrition and other ways to help the women with chronic pain and infertility.”

Lone Hummelshoj: So what you’re saying is we have to start looking at women with endometriosis from a holistic point of view and doing what we can to improve their quality of life?”

Agneta Bergqvist: “I think that’s a perfect declaration, thank you.”

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