A new survey finds underinsurance to be a continuous barrier to health care.
Even among adults with employer-sponsored health care plans, underinsurance continues to be a problem in health care.
The Commonwealth Fund, in its latest biennial health insurance survey, found almost no change in the percentage of underinsured* adults since 2010 (“Underinsured” is defined as adults who were insured during the entire year, but whose out-of-pocket costs (excluding premiums) equaled at least 10% of income or, for adults with income <200% of the federal poverty level, out-of-pocket costs equaled at least 5% of income. In addition, anyone with deductibles equal to at least 5% of income was classified as underinsured).
Removing parental consent reduces delays in adolescent abortion care
February 12th 2025A new study links the removal of parental consent requirements for abortion in Massachusetts to significantly earlier gestational age at the time of the procedure, highlighting the impact of reduced barriers on timely reproductive care.
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