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Ronald T. Ackerman, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Victoria Alderman, MA, RDMS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
William F. von Almen, II, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Domenico Arduini, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Professor Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, MD
Samir Mohamed Fouad Abdel Aziz, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Joan Baker, MSR, RDMS, RDCS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Ronald Barentsen, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Beryl Benacceraf, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Ine Berkelmans, Midwife, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Maria Luisa Bianchi, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
D. Eric Blackwell, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Myer S. Bornstein, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
W. L. Bourland, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
J. Glenn Bradley, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
R. Daniel Braun, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Michael J. Brennan, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Andrew I. Brill, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Hannah Brooks, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Philip G. Brooks, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Paul D. Burstein, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Charles W. Butrick, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Professor Stuart Campbell, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Professor Howard Carp, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
James Carter, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Lesa Childers, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Richard Chudacoff, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Brian M. Cohen, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Stephen Cohen, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Jay M. Cooper, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Joshua A. Copel, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Alan B. Copperman, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Stephen L. Corson, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Bernard Cristalli, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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James F. Daniell, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
A. Elisabeth de Boer Oosterhuis, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Alan DeCherney, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Larry Demco, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Greggory R. DeVore, MD , OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Rudy De Wilde, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Gary Andrew Dildy, III, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Gian Carlo Di Renzo, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Dana Dovitch, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Ellis Downes, MB, ChB, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Julia Drose, BA, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Terry DuBose, MS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Ahmed M. El-Minawi, MD, MSc, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Diaa M. El-Mowafi, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Ronald F. Feinberg, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Joseph R. Feste, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Fabio Fiorino, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Laureano Folgar, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Arthur C. Fougner, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Walter Futterweit, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Jason Gardosi, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Tom Garite, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Herman P. van Geijn, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Andrea R. Genazzani, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
John Gibbons, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Howard I. Glazer, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Herbert A. Goldfarb, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Malcolm Griffiths, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Barry L. Gruber, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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D. Ashley Hill, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Fred M. Howard, MD, MS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Francis L. Hutchins, Jr., MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David Hutchon, BSc, MB, ChB, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Thomas Ind, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Paul D. Indman, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Pec Indman, EdD, LMFCC, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Roy Jackson, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Susan Johnson, MD, OBGYN.net Representative - Oregon
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Professor Louis Keith, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Peter Kenemans, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Simon Kipersztok, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Michael Kleerekoper, MB, BS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Geffrey Klein, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Nerraj Kohli, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Alan Lam, MBBS, MRCOG, FRACOG, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Alicia M. Lapidus, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
William Ledger, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Ronald L. Levine, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Jeffrey S. Levy, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
C.Y. Liu, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Sam Liu, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Franklin Loffer, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Leonhard Loimer, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Anthony Luciano, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Bruno Lunenfeld, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Thomas Lyons, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Kazuo Maeda, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Peter J. Maher, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Aniruddha Malpani, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Anjali Malpani, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Harvey S. Marchbein, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
James A. McGregor, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Timothy McKinney, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Martha McKittrick, RD, CDE, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Roger Melton, MA, MFT, CEAP, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Marta Mendez, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Deborah Metzger, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Liselotte Mettler, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
John R. Miklos, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Asem A.A. Moussa, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Frederick Naftolin, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David A. Nagey, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Martin Necas, RDMS, RVT, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Camran Nezhat, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Judith A. Norris, Ob-Gyn RNP, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Peter J. O'Donovan, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David L. Olive, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Susan Parker, PT, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
William H. Parker, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Richard H. Paul, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Mark Perloe, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
C. Paul Perry, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Wayne H. Persutte, BS, RDMS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Jordan M. Phillips, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Lawrence D. Platt, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Andrea Rapkin, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Cynthia Rapp, BS, RDMS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Alexandre Ravski, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David Redwine, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Mike S. Rogers, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Stephen Sawin, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Barry Schifrin, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
John J. Sciarra, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Richard J. Scotti, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Amit Sengupta, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Scott P. Serden, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
M. Kelly Shanahan, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Professor Zeev Shoham, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Don Shuwarger, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
E. Scott Sills, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Johannes W. van der Slikke, Md, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
John C. Slocumb, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
James S. Smeltzer, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Mark Smith, MD, OBGYN.net Medical Consultant
Pat Sonnenstuhl, BSN, CNM, ARNP, RH, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
John Spencer, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Adolf Stafl, MD, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
R. William Stones, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Mark Surrey, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David B. Swedlow, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Samuel Thatcher, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David B. Toub, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Michael J. Tucker, PhD, FIBiol, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Togas Tulandi, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Duncan Turner, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Rafael F. Valle, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Yves R.M. Van Belle, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Hugo C. Verhoeven, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Professor Liliana S. Voto, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Deborah J. Wage, MSN, FNP, CNM, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Richard D. Wasnich, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
C.R. Welch, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
R. Wayne Whitted, M.D., M.P.H, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Wendy K. Winer, RN, BSN, CNOR, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
David Wiseman, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Josef Wisser, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Edwin Carlyle Wood, PhD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
Joseph Worrall, MD, RDMS, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Pamela R. Yoder, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Edward M. Zabrek, MD, OBGYN.net Editorial Advisor
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Removing parental consent reduces delays in adolescent abortion care
February 12th 2025A new study links the removal of parental consent requirements for abortion in Massachusetts to significantly earlier gestational age at the time of the procedure, highlighting the impact of reduced barriers on timely reproductive care.
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Removing parental consent reduces delays in adolescent abortion care
February 12th 2025A new study links the removal of parental consent requirements for abortion in Massachusetts to significantly earlier gestational age at the time of the procedure, highlighting the impact of reduced barriers on timely reproductive care.
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