Florida lawmakers have been busy lately trying to ensure tort reform in medical malpractice cases, according to Medical Liability Monitor (5/2006). Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, for one, signed into law a bill that would require physicians and businesses to pay only the amount of damages according to their level of responsibility-not their financial ability to pay.
Florida lawmakers have been busy lately trying to ensure tort reform in medical malpractice cases, according to Medical Liability Monitor (5/2006). Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, for one, signed into law a bill that would require physicians and businesses to pay only the amount of damages according to their level of responsibility-not their financial ability to pay. This repeals the joint and several liability law in the state. Additionally, the state legislature averted an attempt to repeal a 2004 constitutional amendment that capped attorneys' contingency fees in malpractice cases. The amendment stands, setting fees at 30% of the first $250,000 in damages and 10% over $250,000.