HPV vaccination rates below Healthy People 2020 objective


The Healthy People 2020 goal of HPV vaccine coverage was set at 80% by 15 years of age.

The country is behind target, but does it mean the goal is unachievable? A recent report in Pediatrics investigated its likelihood of success.

According to the authors, the results of this study support the effectiveness of statewide policy for HPV vaccination education of families on vaccine coverage. Only 2 states—Virginia and Rhode Island—have adopted a law of HPV vaccination for school entry. Washington, District of Columbia, and Rhode Island had the highest rates of vaccine coverage in their data by 2017.

Investigators confirmed that the current HPV vaccination rates in children with commercial insurance were below the 80% target and that most states will not achieve the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80% coverage. Their findings correlated with vaccination policies and support the notion that clinician recommendations for HPV vaccination is critical to overcome vaccination barriers.

For details, visit Contemporary Pediatrics.

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