Victoria's Story


I went in on April 11th to be induced for the birth of my first child at 4:30 am. They started the inducing around 6:00 am and by about 7:30, I wanted drugs! At around 6:00 PM, I got the epidural and everything was going rather smoothly.

I went in on April 11th to be induced for the birth of my first child at 4:30 am.  They started the inducing around 6:00 am and by about 7:30, I wanted drugs!  At around 6:00 PM, I got the epidural and everything was going rather smoothly.  The baby's  heart rate dropped after the epidural was administered, which the doctor and the nurse both said were normal.  It went back to normal, but at around 10:00 PM the nurse came in and noticed the heart rate had dropped to the mid 50's to low 60's for approximately 10 minutes.  She then called the doctor into the room immediately and he initially thought the cord was around the neck, so he called for an emergency c-section. 

All I can really recall after being in surgery is the doctor stating that he noticed something strange.  My husband looked over the sheet, looked back and said he would talk to him later and that everything was okay.  After I was put back together, the doctor pulled my husband and my mother aside and asked them if either one of them knew of any medical history with me.  They both explained that they did not. 

During the C-Section, we found out that I was born with only one kidney, one ovary, one tube, and only half of my uterus was developed from birth.  He stated that there was no medical explanation on why I carried as long as I did.  Victoria Leah Morea was born on April 11, 2000 at 10:27 PM, weighing 6 lbs., 7ozs. and was 20 1/3 inches long -- We really had a miracle baby on our hands!

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