PCOStrategies of WNC recently held another session of the Syndrome O Survival (SOS) Strategies in November. Some very motivated participants drove two hours into Asheville to join us.
PCOStrategies of WNC recently held another session of the Syndrome O Survival (SOS) Strategies in November. Some very motivated participants drove two hours into Asheville to join us. Gayle Kemp, Director - PCOStrategies of DE, however, got the award for traveling the longest distance to the meetings. She participated in the Organization, Optimization and Offering sessions as she trained to become a SOS Strategies facilitator. We were also joined by Brenda Bryan, RD of the Center for Applied Reproductive Science during a portion of the meeting to discuss "Optimized Diet Tips." Brenda's presentation was very well received and greatly appreciated by the participants. Feedback regarding the program continues to be very positive and we continue to refine the materials to make the sessions as informative as possible in the time allotted.
The next SOS Strategies sessions in WNC will be held in February/March. Stay tuned for information on where and when the program will be held.
We are thrilled to announce that PCOStrategies of Delaware is up and running. They are presently holding monthly meetings and are planning a January Kick Off Celebration. Gayle Kemp has been chosen as the Director for PCOStrategies of DE and she is eager to get busy with developing services for women of the area. They are planning their first SOS Strategies program in March. I'll keep you posted on events as they evolve. PCOStrategies is very excited to be expanding.
PCOStrategies, Inc. recognizes the need for structured, ongoing meetings for women with polycystic ovaries/Syndrome O who are in the midst of lifestyle change and/or fertility treatments. Therefore, monthly Education-Motivation-Stimulation Meetings are a part of PCOStrategies programming.
Education Sessions (3 per year) - includes basic information about polycystic ovaries/Syndrome O symptoms, health consequences and possible treatments.
Motivation Sessions (3 per year) - includes encouragement for participants through personal growth information, motivational speakers and stress reduction techniques.
Stimulation Sessions (3 per year) - includes more advanced information regarding fertility treatments, maintaining healthy lifestyle and Offering to others.
PCOStrategies of WNC holds their monthly E-M-S meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30p at the Mission St. Joseph Women's Resource Center at 50 Doctor's Drive. It should be noted that meetings will resume after the holidays in January 2003. We will not be holding meetings in November or December this year. I will forward a listing of schedule speakers for 2003 in our December Newsletter.
I am often asked the question -- What is the difference between Syndrome O and PCOS? Aren't they the same condition?
Here's the answer according the the doctor who coined the term "Syndrome O" -- Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Ronald Feinberg:
"Not really. PCOS -- polycystic ovary syndrome -- is an old name being patchworked to a relatively new condition. Syndrome O is a newer name that invokes the dramatic impact of metabolism, genetics, and our changing environment upon the female reproductive system. Since the 1970s, physicians and scientists have been aware of Syndrome X, the metabolic syndrome of insulin overproduction attributed primarily to men. Until recently, little attention was paid to insulin overproduction in women.
I conceived the name Syndrome O when I became incensed reading books and articles about Syndrome X. Few Syndrome X experts were making the connection between PCOS and Syndrome X, and the effect of Syndrome X upon women was being ignored. I eventually described Syndrome O as a triad of understandable problems -- Overnourishment (causing insulin overproduction), Ovarian confusion, and Ovulation disruption. These basic problems lead to an array of important women's health issues -- abnormal bleeding, missed menses, pregnancy loss, and high risk pregnancies.
In my opinion, there are some good reasons to phase out the designation PCOS:
1) The 'polycysts' seen in women with Syndrome O are not really cysts. They are small underdeveloped follicles that have been induced to grow by the insulin family of hormones.
2) Most women with 'PCOS' don't have any significant cysts when checked by ultrasound.
3) Many women with 'polycystic appearing' ovaries don't have PCOS or Syndrome O. However, there is evidence that some of these women may be at risk for developing Syndrome O.
4) Syndrome O encompasses a group of women who may ovulate and achieve pregnancy on their own, but then develop insulin-related problems of miscarriage or later pregnancy complications.
5) Syndrome O invokes the reproductive effects of insulin overproduction on the uterus, placenta, blood vessels, liver, and clotting system.
6) Syndrome O sends a warning message regarding potential health problems to be tested for now and in the future, including diabetes, glucose intolerance (pre-diabetes), lipid abnormalities, and pre-cancerous changes in the uterine lining.
7) Syndrome O is easier to teach; most women with PCOS who were polled by the PCOSA desired a name change for the syndrome, recognizing that it is a whole body female problem, not just an ovarian disorder.
PCOStrategies takes into account the long, established history of the name PCOS. However, the mission of the organization is to teach about Syndrome O, and to motivate each woman to design their own personal Syndrome O Survival Strategies. Ultimately, only you can give your fertility and your health a fighting chance."
We are presently developing a PCOS/Syndrome O informational booklet for distribution in the WNC area to healthcare providers who provide services to women with the condition. We are planning an initial print of 1000 copies. There is a contribution drive underway and you can be a part of the action! If you are interested in becoming a "Friend of PCOStrategies" by making a contribution of $25 or more or if you know of a business that might be interested in placing an ad in the booklet, please contact me. Of course, donations may be anonymous if so desired, as well. Remember PCOStrategies, Inc. is a federal 501c3 non profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
If you have 6 or fewer periods a year, and are not using birth control, you
may have PCOS. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is
conducting a study to examine the genetics of PCOS. The study is supported by
The National Institutes of Health. A free one-time blood test can be done at a
hospital or clinic near you. For more information about this research study
call 800-847-6060 or contact us by e-mail at pcos@northwestern.edu.
From the conference organizers:
We are pleased to announce that the 2003 PCOSA Conference will be taking
place in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia!
Why Atlanta? There are tons of fun things to do in Atlanta and it is
extremely cost-effective in terms of room rates and airfare. Plus, we have
had conferences in the West, Midwest, East and now it's time for the ladies
in the Southeast to have their turn especially considering support of PCOS
and PCOSA in Atlanta is tremendous and is growing by leaps and bounds. So,
let's all prepare to have a peach of a time!
We will be determining the specific conference dates within the next few
weeks, with a final decision by end of October, so be on the lookout for
Are you interested in getting more information about PCOS? Getting involved in a chat about PCOS? Or taking a peek at a physician monitored Message Board? Check out the AIA's PCOS Center at: http://www.americaninfertility.org/pcos/pcos_center.html
Have a happy holiday season! See you soon....
Lesa Childers, President
PCOStrategies, Inc.
(828) 497-6413
(828) 631-9281 ext. 1463
Recap on reproductive rights with David Hackney, MD, MS
December 20th 2022In this episode of Pap Talk, we spoke with David Hackney, MD, MS, maternal-fetal medicine physician at Case Western Reserve University and chair of ACOG's Ohio chapter for a full recap of where restrictions on reproductive rights have been and where they're going.
In this episode of Pap Talk, Gloria Bachmann, MD, MSc, breaks down what it means to be a health care provider for incarcerated individuals, and explores the specific challenges women and their providers face during and after incarceration. Joined by sexual health expert Michael Krychman, MD, Bachmann also discusses trauma-informed care and how providers can get informed.
Ulipristal plus misoprostol shows promise for medication abortion
February 5th 2025A recent study found that ulipristal acetate followed by misoprostol is a safe, effective, and acceptable option for medication abortion, offering a potential alternative in areas with limited access to mifepristone.
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Recap on reproductive rights with David Hackney, MD, MS
December 20th 2022In this episode of Pap Talk, we spoke with David Hackney, MD, MS, maternal-fetal medicine physician at Case Western Reserve University and chair of ACOG's Ohio chapter for a full recap of where restrictions on reproductive rights have been and where they're going.
In this episode of Pap Talk, Gloria Bachmann, MD, MSc, breaks down what it means to be a health care provider for incarcerated individuals, and explores the specific challenges women and their providers face during and after incarceration. Joined by sexual health expert Michael Krychman, MD, Bachmann also discusses trauma-informed care and how providers can get informed.
Ulipristal plus misoprostol shows promise for medication abortion
February 5th 2025A recent study found that ulipristal acetate followed by misoprostol is a safe, effective, and acceptable option for medication abortion, offering a potential alternative in areas with limited access to mifepristone.
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