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Phase 2b safety data for Sildenafil Cream against FSAD reported | Image Credit: © David L/ - © David L/ -
Phase 2b safety data for Sildenafil Cream against FSAD reported

August 26th 2024

In a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Sildenafil Cream, 3.6% was indicated as safe and well-tolerated for use against female sexual arousal disorder in healthy premenopausal women.

Uterus Transplants Linked to High Live Birth Rate, Long-Term Safety
Uterus transplants linked to high live birth rate, longterm safety

August 15th 2024

Image credit: Alik Mulikov
Study: Pelvic floor dilator reduces pelvic floor muscle injury during vaginal delivery

August 6th 2024

Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Elinzanetant, MIRA, and more | Image Credit: © Aleksey 159 - © Aleksey 159 -
Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Elinzanetant, MIRA, and more

August 2nd 2024

Similar success rates for synthetic and nonsynthetic slings in SUI treatment | Image Credit: © natali_mis - © natali_mis -
Similar success rates for synthetic and nonsynthetic slings in SUI treatment

July 31st 2024

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